All are welcome to the ranch south of Culbertson, Montana to preview the 95 Black Angus bulls prior to sale day. The bulls are 18 months old, and ready to go to work.
The bulls are 18 months old and are the top 35% of the registered bulls born at Steppler Ranch in 2023 that are being offered in this sale. They have been culled rigorously over the last 18 months.
Bulls are born on native range in primarily May/June and are raised in a real world environment at their mother's side without additional creep and supplements. Bulls are brought in and weaned in November. They are fed a high roughage diet until mid-March to ensure longevity and physical soundness throughout the duration of their breeding life.
In approximately mid-March, the bulls are turned out to a large pasture setting for the summer. When fall grazing conditions are no longer available, the bulls are brought in to a lot setting where they are fed a combination of mixed grass hay and grain hay until sale time.
The bulls are not overfed and will go to work for you, in hopes you will be back again next year.
We offer a volume discount of 5% on the purchase of 3-9 bulls. Then, it is 10% on the purchase of 10 or more bulls. We value your loyalty and business!
We value our repeat customers and offer a $500 discount off total receipt when you purchase in three consecutive years. As always, we welcome your visit to the ranch anytime to inspect and evaluate the bulls.
It is a first come, first serve basis. Private treaty sales will begin at 8am MST on Monday, December 16, 2024 at the ranch south of Culbertson, Montana. Buyers are more than welcome and are encouraged to preview the bulls anytime before the sale begins. Contact Verlin or Cody for bull inquiries!
Bulls will have individual prices assigned to them in early December. Official sales can be made via text, phone call, or in person starting at 8 AM on December 16, 2024.
There is free wintering and a spring fertility exam prior to delivery, around April 1, 2025. We offer a breeding season guarantee and all buyers have the option to pay upon selection, or wait until delivery in the spring.